jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service
Budapest, Hungary

Preliminary Earthquake Report

Earthquake details

Magnitude: 6.9
Depth: 28.00 km
Latitude: -34.2220
Longitude: -71.9539

  • 2010-03-11 at 14:55:30 UTC
  • Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 10:55 in the moorning at epicenter
  • Continent: South America
  • Country: Chile
  • State/County/Gov.: Region del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins
  • Location: Santa Cruz
  • Distances: 70.68 km Course: �
  • Population: 33283 persons [Near the epicenter]
Data source:
Data processing and analisys:
RSOE EDIS - Data Processing and Analisys System

Earthquake location map

Risk Analisys

Nuclear Power Plant: There are nuclear facilties nearby the epicenter.
Airport(s): There are airports nearby the epicenter.
Port(s): There are marine ports nearby the epicenter.
Volcanoes: There are volcanoes nearby the epicenter.

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