miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-03-11 04:07:17 - Vehicle Accident - Brazil

EDIS CODE: VI-20100311-25276-BRA
Date & Time: 2010-03-11 04:07:17 [UTC]
Area: Brazil, Estado do Amazonas, Solimoes River,

Number of death person(s): 2
Damage level: Low (Level 1)

Not confirmed information!


Two people were missing and feared dead after a boat with 92 people aboard sank early Wednesday in a river in Brazil’s Amazon region, authorities said. The remaining passengers and crew were rescued by the occupants of a passing boat, according to spokespeople for the Amazonas state fire department. The A. Nunes sank around 1:00 a.m. in the Solimoes River, a tributary of the Amazon, at a spot some 190 kilometers (118 miles) from Manaus, the region’s biggest city. Firefighters said the Nunes was sailing west from Manaus for Tefe when its hull was pierced by a tree trunk floating in the river. Authorities identified the two missing people as crew members who were swept away by the current after diving into the water to repair the damaged hull. The Brazilian navy said it sent a patrol boat and divers to the scene of the accident to search for the missing crewmen.
