martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-03-17 04:35:30 - Vehicle Accident - Colombia

EDIS CODE: VI-20100317-25358-COL
Date & Time: 2010-03-17 04:35:30 [UTC]
Area: Colombia, , , Caracas

Number of Injured person(s): 33
Damage level: Moderate (Level 2)

Not confirmed information!


Thirty-three people were injured after a passenger bus crashed into another one to the south of Bogota, the capital of Colombia. The bus crashed into another one, which abruptly braked to let pass a sudden pedestrian on a busy street of Caracas. As much as 23 ambulances arrived at the scene to hospitalize 33 people, with five of the victims in critical condition. The buses involved in the crash are part of the rapid transit system for passengers movement in the city and its outskirts. Every 'Transmilenio' bus is intended for taking up to 160 passengers. According to official statistics, up to 5,000 people die annually in Colombian road accidents.
