domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-03-14 11:19:45 - Tropical Storm - Fiji

EDIS CODE: TC-20100314-25326-FJI
Date & Time: 2010-03-14 11:19:45 [UTC]
Area: Fiji, , Fiji-wide,

Event exciting : Cyclone Tomas
Damage level: Moderate (Level 2)

Not confirmed information!


Fiji is in shut down mode as the nation braces itself for Cyclone Tomas expected to pass Udu Point midnight Sunday, hitting Labasa by midday Monday. All businesses and companies nationwide including banks, postal and telecommunication services, public transport and schools will be closed Monday. An army contingent trip bound for Iraq peacekeeping duties has also been cancelled. All civil servants with the exception of those providing essential services have been told to stay home and take cover.
Disaster management officials continue to urge the public to take all necessary precautions and “be ready for the worst”. Reports from Emergency Operation Centres confirm houses in northern Vanua Levu blown away and trees uprooted in the Lau group Sunday afternoon while Tomas was still 300km outside Fiji. Parts of Savusavu were also under blackout and flooding had begun around the Buca bay area as evacuation centres in Labasa, Savusavu and Taveuni begin to fill up. By 6pm Sunday, officials said 630 people had sought refuge in the 193 evacuation centres around the country. Tomas is currently travelling at 10kmph with a wind gauge of 210kmph.
