sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-03-13 19:48:16 - Fire - Ukraine

EDIS CODE: FR-20100313-25315-UKR
Date & Time: 2010-03-13 19:48:16 [UTC]
Area: Ukraine, Khmelnytsky Oblast, Ukroboronservis Ammunition Factory, Hruzevytsya

Number of Injured person(s): 2
Damage level: Moderate (Level 2)

Not confirmed information!


A fire in Khmelnytskyy Region has caused the detonation of ammunition at the state-run Ukroboronservis enterprise a subsidiary of the state company Ukrspetseksport, which trades in arms and defence-related equipment and services]. The fire was put out. One man was slightly injured. The press service of the Emergencies Ministry said that the fire had started at the state-run enterprise Ukroboronservis (not under authority of the Defence Ministry) in the village of Hruzevytsya in Khmelnytskyy District of Khmelnytskyy Region at about 1300 gmt. An enterprise worker was slightly injured in the fire. The ministry did not specify where exactly - at a warehouse or elsewhere - the fire broke out. According to preliminary reports, small calibre explosive ammunition for aircraft detonated in the fire. The fire was put out at 1410 gmt. The operation involved 55 Emergencies Ministry workers and 11 special vehicles.
