viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-03-12 08:08:47 - Vehicle Incident - USA

EDIS CODE: VIV-20100312-25292-USA
Date & Time: 2010-03-12 08:08:47 [UTC]
Area: USA, State of New York, Near the Greater Rochester (N.Y.) International Airport,

Event exciting : US Airways (Flight 1101) vs. Canada Geese
Damage level: Low (Level 1)

Not confirmed information!


For the second time in about 14 months, a US Airways jet bound for Charlotte on Thursday struck birds shortly after takeoff. This time, the jet was able to land safely at Greater Rochester (N.Y.) International Airport, where it had taken off minutes earlier. No injuries were reported. In Thursday's incident, Flight 1101 struck Canada geese at about 2,000 feet, shortly after the 8:25 a.m. takeoff. Jennifer Hanrahan, a spokeswoman for the airport, said the crew experienced a problem with one of its two engines and returned to an emergency landing at 8:40 a.m. Airport officials said 129 people were aboard, including a crew of five. The flight was canceled, and passengers were rebooked on other flights. Passenger Nicole Dalberth, 20, who was flying to Jamaica with a connecting flight in Charlotte, said the Airbus had taken off and was in the air for a few minutes. "We heard a loud noise, and you could tell everyone heard it, and then we started to smell something," she said. Dalberth said flight attendants told passengers what had happened. She said passengers clapped for the crew when the jet landed.
